ImmunoBrain Checkpoint names new president and chief executive officer
23 January 2024 -

ImmunoBrain Checkpoint Inc., a US-based clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, announced on Monday that it has named Dr Sanjay Keswani, MD, BSc, FRCP, as its new president and chief executive officer.

Dr Keswani, an accomplished physician-scientist, has executive leadership experience in both large pharma and small biotech companies. He serves as Neurology faculty member at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and an elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom. He has served assSenior vice president of R&D at Hoffman La Roche, and vice president of Exploratory and Clinical Translational Research at Bristol-Myers Squibb. He has served in CEO and CMO positions in biotech with experience of a successful Nasdaq IPO (Annexon), an acquisition (MiroBio by Gilead), venture fundraising (Series A, B, D rounds), and multiple industry partnerships.

Nathan Hevrony, ImmunoBrain co-founder and executive chairman, said, 'As a physician-scientist and seasoned biotech executive, Dr Keswani possesses both the business acumen and the R&D expertise required to serve as chief executive officer of ImmunoBrain. We are confident that Dr Keswani's passion for developing effective solutions for patients, as well as his successful track record of building high-performing teams across a diverse range of biopharma companies, will result in transformative growth at ImmunoBrain and improved treatment and outcomes for individuals living with neurological conditions.'

