Therapy Areas: Devices
Subject Enrollment Initiated in Study Evaluating the Use of Renuvion Technology in Skin Laxity Procedures in the Neck and Submental Region
23 October 2019 - - US-based medical devices and supplies maker Apyx Medical Corp., formerly Bovie Medical Corp., (NASDAQ: APYX) has initiated subject enrollment in an FDA approved US Investigational Device Exemption clinical study evaluating the use of its Renuvion technology in skin laxity procedures in the neck and submental region, the company said.

The study is a prospective, multi-centre, multi-phase, evaluator-blinded study designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Renuvion technology when used to improve the appearance of lax tissue in the neck and submental region.

The study will be conducted at up to 5 investigational centers in the US and consist of 52 subjects ranging from 35 to 65 years of age.

The study will be conducted in two phases. Phase I will include 20 subjects, whose 1 month safety data will be reported to the FDA for a safety review. Following approval from the FDA, phase II of the study will be initiated, and will include 32 subjects.

Effectiveness data will be collected for all 52 subjects in both phases of the study. Follow-up will occur 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months post procedure.

The study's primary effectiveness endpoint will be improvement in the appearance of lax tissue in the neck and submental region at six months as determined by qualitative 2D photography assessment performed by three blinded Independent Photographic Reviewers.

The study design assumes a 75% success rate of subjects with correctly identified images; therefore, greater than 75% of subjects must have their six-month images correctly identified by 2 out of 3 blinded Independent Photographic Reviewers.

The study's primary and secondary safety variables will be the evaluation of post-treatment pain and discomfort as reported by the subject on a visual analog scale and the evaluation of adverse events, respectively.

An overview of the study will be made available on under the Renuvion technology trade name "Apyx Plasma/RF Handpiece" in October 2019.

Apyx Medical Corp. (formerly Bovie Medical Corp.) is an advanced energy technology company with a passion for elevating people's lives through innovative products in the cosmetic and surgical markets.

Known for its innovative Helium Plasma Technology, Apyx is solely focused on bringing transformative solutions to the physicians and patients it serves.

The company's Helium Plasma Technology is marketed and sold as Renuvion in the cosmetic surgery market and J-Plasma in the hospital surgical market.

Renuvion offers plastic surgeons, fascial plastic surgeons and cosmetic physicians a unique ability to provide controlled heat to the tissue to achieve their desired results.

The J-Plasma system allows surgeons to operate with a high level of precision and virtually eliminating unintended tissue trauma.

The company also leverages its deep expertise and decades of experience in unique waveforms through original equipment manufacturing agreements with other medical device manufacturers.
